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Equine Cushing’s and Insulin Resistance Group Inc.

NO Laminitis!
Conference Proceedings & Recordings 2013

No Laminitis! 2013

2013 Proceedings & Recordings
Table of Contents

All rights of the producers and of the owners of the sessions reproduced are reserved. Unauthorized copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of these recordings are prohibited. 

Part 1

Jaini Clougher, BSc., BVSc., ECIR Group Inc. President

  • Welcome and Introduction

Eleanor M. Kellon, VMD

  • The ECIR Group: Clearinghouse for Clinical/Epidemiological Information
  • Getting the Right Diagnosis for PPID/ Cushing's and EMS/IR
  • Endothelin-1: Key Player in Equine Laminitis?
  • Iron overload and Insulin Resistance
  • Roles of Minerals in Insulin Sensitivity

Kathleen Gustafson, PhD

  • Obesity and Inflammation

Jannalee Smithey, EDO and Kathleen Gustafson, PhD

  • Nutrition Complexities and Mineral Profiles of Hay

Panel Discussion

  • Summary, Questions & Answers

Part 2

Robert M. Bowker, VMD, PhD

  • Laminitis: Why is it good for the coffin bone to be porous while in women we call it osteoporosis?
  • Laminitis: The suspensory apparatus of the coffin bone: its functioning in health and disease.
  • The Vascular Cushion of the Frog: What does it do??
  • Nerves, Nerves, Nerves: Why are they so important to the horse?

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Part 1

(Kellon, Gustafson and Smithey)
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198 MB MP3 File

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Part 2

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137 MB MP3 File

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Parts 1 and 2

(All 4 speakers)
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Downloads of proceeding PDF files are free and are also available on the International Veterinary Information Service (IVIS).

Add to Cart Bowker
Osteoporosis of the Coffin Bone

Add to Cart Bowker
The Suspensory Apparatus of the Coffin Bone

Add to Cart Bowker
The Vascular Cushion of the Frog

Add to Cart Bowker
Why Nerves of the Foot Are So Important to the Horse

Add to CartGustafson
Obesity and Inflammation

Add to Cart Kellon
Diagnosis of Insulin Resistance and PPID

Add to Cart Kellon
Endothelin-1 in Laminitis

Add to Cart Kellon
Iron Overload and Insulin Resistance

Add to Cart Kellon
Mineral Nutrition and Insulin Resistance

Add to Cart Kellon
Reproductive Abnormalities in Mares with Diet-Resistant Insulin Resistance

Add to Cart Kellon
The Internet as an Epidemiological Tool

Add to Cart Smithey_Gustafson
Nutrition Complexities and Mineral Profiles of Hay

Add to CartDownload All 12 PDF Files - ECIR 2013 NO Laminitis Conference Proceedings 
